Search Results for: cost of downtime

Server and Application Reliability by the Numbers: Understanding “The Nines”

Reliability/Uptime by the Numbers

Organizations measure server and application reliability percentages in “nines.” There is an order of magnitude difference of server and application reliability and uptime between each additional “nine.”  Four nines – 99.99% – reliability equals 52.56 minutes of unplanned per server/per annum downtime or 4.32 minutes of per server monthly unplanned downtime (See Table 1). By contrast, five nines – 99.999% – is the equivalent of 5.26 minutes of unplanned per server/per annum and just 25.9 seconds of monthly unplanned system downtime. The highly sought after continuous uptime and availability levels of six nines equals a near-imperceptible 2.59 seconds of per server unplanned monthly downtime, while seven nines equals 3.15 seconds of yearly system downtime.

Table1 below depicts the availability percentages and the equivalent number of annual, monthly and weekly hours and minutes of per server/per annum downtime. It illustrates the business and monetary impact on operations. ITIC publishes this table in every one of its Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability reports. It serves as a useful reference guide to enable organizations to calculate downtime and determine their levels of server uptime.

Table 1: Reliability/Uptime by the Numbers

Reliability %                   Downtime per year Downtime per month Downtime per week
90% (one nine) 36.5 days 72 hours 16.8 hours
95% 18.25 days 36 hours 8.4 hours
97% 10.96 days 21.6 hours 5.04 hours
98% 7.30 days 14.4 hours 3.36 hours
99% (two nines) 3.65 days 7.20 hours 1.68 hours
99.5% 1.83 days 3.60 hours 50.4 minutes
99.8% 17.52 hours 86.23 minutes 20.16 minutes
99.9% (three nines) 8.76 hours 43.8 minutes 10.1 minutes
99.95% 4.38 hours 21.56 minutes 5.04 minutes
99.99% (four nines) 52.56 minutes 4.32 minutes 1.01 minutes
99.999% (five nines) 5.26 minutes 25.9 seconds 6.05 seconds
99.9999% (six nines) 31.5 seconds 2.59 seconds 0.605 seconds
99.99999% (seven nines) 3.15 seconds 0.259 seconds 0.0605 seconds

Source: ITIC 2022 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey

The aforementioned metrics clearly underscore that the IBM z14, z15 and the newest z16; along with the LinuxONE III platform continue to maintain continuous levels of reliability, with just 0.0043 minutes of unplanned monthly per server downtime. This equates to just 3.15 seconds of unplanned per server annual downtime which is the equivalent of “seven nines” of true fault tolerant uptime. They were followed closely by the IBM Power8, Power9 and Power10 with one (1) minute of per server unplanned monthly downtime and the Lenovo x86-based ThinkSystem with 1.10 minutes of per server unplanned downtime each month. In practical terms, this means there is minimal or imperceptible impact on daily business operations, end user productivity and corporate revenue.

In 2022 and heading into 2023, a price tag of $100,000 (USD) for one hour of downtime for a single server is extremely conservative for all but the smallest micro SMBs with one to 25 employees. It equates to $1,670 per minute/per server. Hourly cost of downtime calculated at $300,000 equals about $5,000 per server/per minute. The cost of a more severe or protracted hourly outage that a business estimated at $1 million (USD) is the equivalent of $16,700 per server/per minute.

ITIC’s 2022 Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey found that 91% of respondents now estimate that one hour of downtime costs the firm $301,000 or more; this is an increase of two (2) percentage points in less than two year. Of that number, 44% of those polled indicated that hourly downtime costs now exceed $1 million. Since 2021, only one (1%) percent of respondents said a single hour of downtime costs them $100,000 or less. Nine percent (9%) of respondents valued hourly downtime at $101,000 to $300,000.

There are many cost variables. For instance, an issue that takes down a server(s) running a non-business essential application; or downtime that occurs in off-peak or non-usage hours, may have minimal to no impact on business operations and negligible financial consequences.

On the other end of the spectrum, cloud-based server outages involving a virtualized server running two, three or four instances of a business-critical application housed in a single physical machine have the potential to double, triple or quadruple business losses when daily business operations are interrupted and employees and business partners, suppliers and other stakeholders are denied access to critical data.

The most expensive hourly downtime scenario presented in Table 2 depicts per server/per minute outage expense impacting 1,000 servers at an organization that values an hour of downtime at $10 million. In this example, a large enterprise could conceivably sustain crippling losses of $166,667,000 per server/per minute.

The aforementioned ITIC Hourly Downtime monetary figures represent only the costs associated with remediating the actual technical issues and business problems that caused the server or OS to fail. They do not include legal fees, criminal or civil penalties the company may incur or any “goodwill gestures” that the firm may elect to pay customers (e.g., discounted or free equipment or services).

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Information Technology Intelligence Consulting Corp. 2022 Editorial Calendar

March 2022: ITIC Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Survey

 Description:  ITIC’s third annual “Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Gap,” independent Web survey will poll approximately 1,200 to 1,500 women professionals worldwide across 47 different industries, with a special emphasis on STEM disciplines. The survey focuses on three crucial areas of workplace discrimination: Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Unequal Pay. It polls women professionals, ranging from interns to retirees on their workplace experiences and how they coped.

 April: 2022 Hourly Cost of Downtime

 Description: Downtime impacts every aspect of the business. It can disrupt operations and end user productivity, result in data losses and raise the risk of litigation. Downtime can also result in lost business and irreparably damage a company’s reputation. The cost of downtime continues to increase as do the business risks. ITIC’s 2019 Hourly Cost of Downtime survey found an 85 % majority of organizations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability. This is the equivalent of 52 minutes of unplanned outages related to downtime for mission critical systems and applications or just 4.33 minutes of unplanned monthly outage for servers, applications and networks. This survey will once again poll corporations on how much one hour of downtime costs their business – exclusive of litigation, civil or criminal penalties. ITIC will also interview customers and vendors across 10 key vertical markets including: Banking/Finance; Education; Government; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Retail; Transportation and Utilities. The Report will focus on the toll that downtime extracts on the business, its IT departments, its employees, its business partners, suppliers and its external customers. This report will also examine the remediation efforts involved in resuming full operations as well as the lingering or after-effects to the corporation’s reputation as the result of an unplanned outage.

April 2022: ITIC 2022 Security Trends and Threats in Datacenters, Cloud and the Network Edge

 Description: Security, security, security! Security impacts every aspect of computing and networking operations in the Digital Age. And it’s never been more crucial as businesses, schools, government workers and consumers are working at home amidst the ongoing Nouvel and damaging security hack impacting the lives of millions of consumers and corporations. This Report will utilize the latest ITIC independent survey data to provide an overview of the latest trends in computer security including the latest and most dangerous hacks and what corporations can do to defend their data assets. Among the topics covered:

  • Security threats in the age of COVID-19
  • The most prevalent type of security hacks
  • The percentage of corporations that experienced a security hack
  • The duration of the security hack
  • The severity of the security hack
  • The cost of the security hack
  • Monetary losses experienced due to security breaches
  • Lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen data due to a security breach
  • The percentage of time that corporations spend securing their networks and data assets
  • Specific security policies and procedures companies are implementing
  • The issues that pose the biggest threats/risks to corporate security

May/June 2022: ITIC 2022 Global Cloud Reliability, Security and Usage Trends Survey

Description: Public, private and hybrid cloud adoption is rising exponentially, with over 20% CAG anticipated between 2022 and 2025. Corporations from SMEs to the largest multinational global enterprise customers are likewise increasing cloud/IaaS spending. By 2025, enterprise stakeholders worldwide will spend well over $200 billion in cloud products, services, security and storage. As organizations’ cloud usage grows, the reliability, availability and security of the various cloud hosting platforms is crucial. ITIC’s forthcoming Global Cloud Reliability, Security and Usage Trends Survey polls  C-Suite executives, IT and security managers businesses in the top 15 vertical market segments worldwide on the reliability, uptime and security of the top cloud platforms including: Amazon Web Services (AWS); Microsoft Azure; Alibaba Group; Google Cloud Platform; IBM Cloud; Oracle Cloud; CenturyLink; Rackspace; OVHCloud; Digital Ocean and others.  This independent Web-based survey will query cloud customers the amount of downtime experienced by individual cloud platforms including: the frequency, duration, severity and security issues associated with unplanned outages. It will also poll corporate enterprises on their satisfaction with technical service and support.

June 2022: ITIC 2022 Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey

Description: ITIC’s 14th Annual Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability polls businesses on the reliability, uptime and management issues involving the inherent reliability of over one dozen different server hardware platforms and server operating system. The poll queries corporations on the frequency, the duration, the severity and the causes associated with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 outages. The results of this independent, non-vendor sponsored survey will provide businesses with the information they need to determine the TCO and ROI of their individual environments. The survey will also enable the server OS and server hardware vendors to see how their products rate among global users ranging from SMBs with as few as 25 people to the largest global enterprises with 100,000+ end users.

The 2022 ITIC Global Reliability Survey has also been updated and expanded to include questions on server-based reliability in private, public and hybrid clouds as well as security and interoperability issues. As always, ITIC’s Reliability survey will delve into the following issues:

  • Component level failure data comparisons between a wide range of server vendors including a comparison of IBM Z and IBM Power Servers and Intel-based x86 servers such as Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, HPE, Huawei, Inspur, Lenovo, Oracle and unbranded white box servers.
  • Percentage of component level failure data comparisons by vendor according to age (e.g. new to three months; three to six months; six months to 1 year; 1 to 2 years; 2 to 3 years; 3 to 4 years; 4 to 5 years; over five years).
  • Which component parts fail and frequency of failure
  • A percentage breakout of server parts failures for parts such as hard disk drives(HDD), processors, memory, power components, fans, or other
  • Where available, how the component failed, e.g., memory multi-bit errors, HDD read failures, processor L1/L2 cache errors, etc.


August: 2022 IoT Deployment and Usage Trends Survey and Report

 Description: The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest technologies. This ITIC Report will poll corporations on the business and technical challenges as well as the costs associated with IoT deployments. This IoT Report will also examine the ever present security risks associated with interconnected environments and ecosystems. ITIC’s IoT 2022 Deployment and Usage Trends Survey will also query global businesses on a variety of crucial issues related to their current and planned Internet of Things (IoT) usage and deployments such as how  they are using IoT (e.g. on-premises versus Network Edge/Perimeter deployments); the chief benefits and biggest challenges and impediments to IoT upgrades.  Vendors profiled for this report will include: AT&T, AWS, Bosch, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, EuroTech, General Electric (GE), Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Particle, PTC, Qualcomm, Samsung, SAP, Siemens, Software AG, and Verizon.


August/September: ITIC 2022 Global Server Hardware Server OS Reliability Survey Mid-Year Update


Description: This Report is the Mid-year update of ITIC’s Annual Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey. Each year ITIC conducts a second survey of selected questions from its Annual Reliability poll. ITIC also conducts new interviews with C-level executives and Network administrators to get detailed insights on the reliability of their server hardware and operating system software as well as the technical service and support they receive from their respective vendors.  ITIC will also incorporate updated PowerPoint slides and statistics to accompany the report.


 October/November: AI, Machine Learning and Data Analytics Market Outlook


Description: This Report will examine the pivotal role that AI, Machine Learning and IoT-enabled predictive and prescriptive Analytics plays in assisting businesses sort through the data deluge to make informed decisions and derive real business value from their applications. AI and Machine Learning take Data Analytics to new levels. They can help businesses identify new product opportunities and also uncover hidden risks. Machine intelligence is already built into predictive and prescriptive analytics tools, speeding insights and enabling the analysis of vast probabilities to determine an optimal course of action or the best set of options. Over time, more sophisticated forms of AI will find their way into analytics systems, further improving the speed and accuracy of decision-making. Rather than querying a system and waiting for a response, the trend has been toward interactivity using visual interfaces. In the near future, voice interfaces will become more common, enabling humans to carry on interactive conversations with digital assistants while watching the analytical results on a screen. Analytics makes businesses more efficient; it enables them to cut costs and lower ongoing operational expenditures. It also helps them respond more quickly and agilely to changing market conditions – making them more competitive and thus driving top line revenue in both the near term and long term strategic sales. Vendors Profiled: AppDynamics, BMC, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and SAS. It also discusses how non-traditional vendors in the carrier and networking segments e.g. Dell/EMC, GE, Google, Verizon and Vodafone have fully embraced AIOps and analytics via partnerships, acquisitions and Research and Development (R&D) initiatives and have moved into this space and challenged the traditional market leaders. And it will provide an overview of the latest Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and their impact on the Analytics industry.


December: ITIC 2022 Technology and Business Outlook


Description: This Report will be based on ITIC survey results that poll IT administrators and C-level executives on a variety of forward looking business and technology issues for the 2022 timeframe. Topics covered will include: Security, IT staffing and budgets; application and network infrastructure upgrades; hardware and software purchasing trends and cloud computing.


Survey Methodology


ITIC conducts independent Web-based surveys that contain multiple choice and essay questions. In order to ensure the highest degree of accuracy, we employ authentication and tracking mechanisms to prohibit tampering with the survey results and to prohibit multiple votes by the same party. ITIC conducts surveys with corporate enterprises in North America and in over 25 countries worldwide across a wide range of vertical markets. Respondents range from SMBs with 25 to 100 workers to the largest multinational enterprises with over 100,000 employees. Each Report also includes two dozen first person customer interviews and where applicable, vendor and reseller interviews. The titles of the survey respondents include:


  • Network administrators
  • VPs of IT
  • Chief information officers (CIOs)
  • Chief technology officers (CTOs)
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)
  • Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)
  • Consultants
  • Application developers
  • Database Administrators
  • Telecom Manager
  • Software Developer
  • System Administrator
  • IT Architect
  • Physical Plant Facilities Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Technical Lead
  • Cloud Managers/Specialists
  • IoT Manager
  • Server Hardware/Virtualization Manager



ITIC welcomes input and suggestion from its vendor and enterprise clients with respect to surveys, survey questions and topics for its Editorial Calendar. If there are any particular topics or questions in a specific survey that you’d like to see covered, please let us know and we will do our best to address it.



About Information Technology Intelligence Corporation (ITIC)


ITIC, founded in 2002, is a research and consulting firm based in suburban Boston. It provides primary research on a wide variety of technology topics for vendors and enterprises. ITIC’s mission is to provide its clients with tactical, practical and actionable advice and to help clients make sense of the technology and business events that influence and impact their infrastructures and IT budgets. ITIC can provide your firm with accurate, objective research on a wide variety of technology topics within the network infrastructure: application software, server hardware, networking, virtualization, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and Security (e.g. ransom ware, cyber heists, phishing scams, botnets etc.). ITIC also addresses the business issues that impact the various technologies and influence the corporate business purchasing decisions. These include topics such as licensing and contract negotiation; GDPR; Intellectual Property (IP); patents, outsourcing, third party technical support and upgrade/migration planning.


For more information visit ITIC’s website at:


To purchase or license ITIC Reports and Survey data contact: Fred Abbott


Valley View Ventures, Inc.

Phone: 978-254-1639


Information Technology Intelligence Consulting Corp. 2022 Editorial Calendar Read More »

ITIC 2021 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey Results

The technical and business challenges posed by the ongoing global pandemic didn’t compromise the core reliability of IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and Cisco servers.

For the 13th straight year, IBM’s Z mainframe and mission critical Power servers achieved the highest server hardware reliability and delivered the strongest server security, among 15 different platforms, in ITIC’s annual 2021 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey.

And for the eighth consecutive year, Lenovo’s ThinkSystem servers again matched their best recorded uptime among all Intel x 86 servers along with Huawei’s KunLun and Fusion platforms. The HPE Superdome and the Cisco UCS hardware (in that order), rounded out the top five most reliable vendor hardware platforms (See Exhibit 1).

ITIC’s 2021 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability independent Web-based survey, polled 1,200 corporations across 28 vertical market segments worldwide on the reliability, performance and security of the most popular server platforms from January through June 2021. Additionally, the preliminary findings from ITIC’s 2021 Global Reliability updated survey conducted from September through November 2021, indicate that the IBM Z, IBM Power servers; the Lenovo ThinkSystem and Huawei KunLun and Fusion servers continue to dominate and deliver the highest uptime, availability and security in datacenters and the cloud.

Among the top survey findings:

  • Server Reliability: IBM z14 and z15 outpaced all rivals, matching its best ever results: just 0.60 seconds of per server monthly unplanned downtime. The IBM Power models also equaled their best uptime scores over the last 13 years, with just 1.49 minutes of unplanned per server downtime. The Lenovo ThinkSystem and Huawei KunLun platforms followed closely, each with 1.51 minutes of unplanned per server outages. Inspur was in the middle of the pack with 11 minutes of unplanned per server downtime, while the Dell PowerEdge servers posted 26 minutes of unanticipated outages. Unbranded White box servers (which often run unlicensed or pirated software) again were the least reliable servers with 57 minutes of unplanned per server downtime; this is up two (2) minutes from 2020.
  • Server Availability: The IBM Z servers are in a class by themselves, a 94% majority of IBM Z customers said their businesses achieved unparalleled fault tolerant levels of six and seven nines – 99.9999% and 99.99999% reliability and continuous availability, the best among all server distributions. The IBM Power is close behind with 91% of customers reporting that the Power9 and latest Power10 models deliver a minimum of five and six nines availability/uptime. Meanwhile, 90% of Lenovo ThinkSystem, Huawei KunLun and HPE Superdome enterprises said their businesses achieve a minimum of five and six nines server availability.
  • Cost Effectiveness/Total Cost of Ownership: The most reliable IBM z14 and z15; IBM LinuxONE III and the PowerPower8 and PowerPower9 servers deliver the best TCO and near immediate Return on Investment (ROI). A single minute of per server unplanned downtime on an IBM z14 or z15 server, calculated at a rate of $100,000, costs enterprise customers $1,002. One minute of unplanned downtime on a single IBM Power8 and Power9 calculated at $100,000 an hour costs $2,488. The upcoming Power10, slated to ship in September will likely offer better reliability and lower costs even further. The Lenovo ThinkSystem and Huawei KunLun and Fusion offerings each averaged 1.51 minutes of unplanned per server outages; that equates to per server/per minute downtime charges of $2,521. Unbranded White box servers with 57 minutes of unplanned per server downtime could cost corporations $95,190 when hourly downtime losses are calculated at $100,000 (See Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4).
  • Security hacks, user error and remote working/remote learning are the top three causes of unplanned downtime. A 73% majority of survey participants cited security as the number one cause of unplanned server downtime; 64% said human error caused unplanned server outages. Meanwhile, 58% of survey participants attributed increased downtime to management and security issues related to COVID-19 issues like remote working and remote academic learning via Zoom meetings for K-through-12 and college classes. While offices and schools were closed during the global pandemic during 2020 and much of 2021, IT and security administrators were hard pressed to effectively manage and secure remote PCs, laptops, notebooks and tablets. Consequently many employees and students did not adequately secure their personal devices. An April 2021 Fortune magazine article   noted that hybrid and remote workplace and academic environments created many positive opportunities for businesses and schools, but they also represent a potential boon for hackers.


In 2020, cybercriminals transmitted 61% of malware through cloud applications to target remote workers, according to the July 2021 Netskope Cloud and Threat Report  . The report said that utilizing cloud-based applications enables hackers to circumvent older, legacy Email and Web-based security solutions. The Netskope report further noted that security risks are exacerbated by the fact that 83% of employees and students access sensitive personal data via applications installed on corporate and academic devices e.g., laptops, notebooks and tablets. This can result in dire consequences in the connected digital era. To cite one example, in March 2020, the California State Controller’s Office, which handles $100 billion a year, suffered an email phishing attack on an employee that enabled cyber criminals cloud access to internal documents; once they gained entrance to the employee’s device they were able to successfully phish another 9,000 employees.


The reliability and security of server hardware, server operating systems and mission critical applications are critical elements of the core datacenter, network edge and cloud infrastructure.


Eighty-nine (89%) percent of organizations require a minimum of “four nines” – 99.99%  reliability to ensure uninterrupted daily business operations and secure data assets to sustain the company’s revenue stream and mitigate risk. And over one-third of organizations now strive for “five nines” 99.999% of uptime; this equals 5.25 minutes of per server unplanned downtime.

Each second and minute of server downtime and the associated mission critical applications costs the business money and raises transactional operations and monetary risks.

In the digital era of interconnected intelligent systems and networks, unplanned downtime of even a few minutes is expensive and disruptive and can reverberate across the entire ecosystem. This includes datacenters; virtualized public, private and hybrid clouds; remote work and learning environments and the intelligent network edge.

ITIC’s 2021 Hourly Cost of Downtime survey indicates a single hour of server downtime totals $300,000 or more for 91% percent of mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. And among that 91% majority – nearly half or 44% – of corporations said, hourly outage costs exceed one million ($1M) to over five million ($5M).

ITIC 2021 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey Results Read More »

2020 ITIC Reports & Surveys

Forty Percent of Enterprises Say Hourly Downtime Costs Top $1Million

Four in 10 enterprise organizations – 40% – indicate that a single hour of downtime can now cost their firms from $1 million to over $5 million – exclusive of any legal fees, fines or penalties. Those are the results of ITIC’s 11th annual Hourly Cost of Downtime Survey.  ITIC polled 1,000 businesses from March […]
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ITIC 2020 Reliability Poll: IBM, Lenovo, HPE, Huawei Mission Critical Servers Deliver Highest Uptime, Availability

For the 12th straight year, IBM’s Z mainframe and Power Systems, achieved the highest server; server operating system reliability and server application availability rankings, along with Lenovo’s ThinkSystem servers which delivered the best uptime among all Intel x 86 servers for the last seven consecutive years, in ITIC’s 2020 Global Server Hardware and Server OS […]
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ITIC 2020 Editorial Calendar

March/April 2020: ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey Description: Reliability and uptime are absolutely essential. Over 80% of corporations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability and greater; and an increasing number of enterprises now demand five nines – 99.999% or higher reliability. But which platforms actually deliver? This survey polls […]
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2020 ITIC Reports & Surveys Read More »

ITIC Reports & Survey Results

A Recent Survey

Information You Can Use

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ITIC 2024 Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias & Equal Pay Survey

Take the survey here:   This survey polls professional women (including students and interns) in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines on their real-world experiences dealing with the very serious issues of Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias, and Equal Pay in the workplace and how they deal with them.   Take the survey here:   Leave a comment along with your email address for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Amazon gift cards. All responses are confidential. ...


Information You Can Use

equal paygender biasIT

ITIC 2024 Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias & Equal Pay Survey

Take the survey here:   This survey polls professional women (including students and interns) in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines on their real-world experiences dealing with the very serious issues of Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias, and Equal Pay in the workplace and how they deal with them.   Take the survey here:   Leave a comment along with your email address for a chance to win one of three (3) $100 Amazon gift cards. All responses are confidential. ...

ITIC 2023 Reliability Survey IBM Z Results

The IBM z16 mainframe lives up to its reputation for delivering “zero downtime.”   The latest z16 server, introduced in April 2022, delivers nine nines—99.9999999%—of uptime and reliability. This is just over 30 milliseconds - 31.56 milliseconds to be precise - of per server annual downtime, according to the results of the ITIC 2023 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey. ITIC’s 2023 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability independent web-based survey polled nearly 1,900 corporations worldwide across over 30 ...

IBM Z, IBM Power Systems & Lenovo ThinkSystem Servers Most Secure, Toughest to Crack

For the fourth straight year, enterprises ranked mission critical servers from IBM, Lenovo, Huawei and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (in that order) as the most secure platforms which experienced the least amount of successful data breaches and proved the most formidable for hackers to crack. Only a miniscule 0.1% of IBM Z mainframes suffered unplanned downtime due to a successful data breach. And just two percent (2%) of IBM Power Systems; two percent (2%) of Lenovo Think Systems; three percent (3%) of ...

ITIC Reports & Survey Results Read More »

IBM, Lenovo and Huawei Servers Most Secure, Suffer Fewest Hacks As COVID-19 Data Breaches Surge

IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and Cisco hardware are the most secure and reliable servers. These platforms experienced the fewest successful hacks and recorded the least amount of unplanned downtime due to data breaches among mainstream servers in the last year.

Those are the results of the latest ITIC Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability and Security survey which polled over 1,000 businesses worldwide across 28 different vertical market sectors from October 2020 through March 2021.

The most recent ITIC survey statistics indicate that reliability and security are closely intertwined and even symbiotic. The top five most reliable server platforms: the IBM Z, the IBM Power Systems, Lenovo ThinkSystem, Huawei KunLun and Fusion Servers, the HPE Superdome Integrity and Cisco UCS (in that order) also boast the strongest security.

ITIC’s most recent Global Security poll similarly found that IBM, Lenovo, Huawei and HPE mission critical servers experienced the lowest percentages of downtime due to successful security hacks and data breaches.

The IBM Z mainframe outpaced all other server distributions and is in a class of its own as it achieved its most robust security and reliability ratings to date in the latest ITIC study.

Only a miniscule – 0.3% – of IBM Z high end servers, suffered a successful data breach. Among other mainstream hardware platforms, just four percent (4%) of IBM Power Systems and Lenovo ThinkSystem users reported their systems were successfully hacked, while five percent (5%) of Huawei KunLun and HPE Integrity Superdome server customers reported a security breach between March 2020 and April 2021.

Just over one-in-ten or 11% of Cisco UCS servers were successfully hacked. Cisco’s hardware performed extremely well, particularly when one considers that many of the UCS servers are deployed in remote locations and at the network edge, which frequently are the first line of defense and take the brunt of hack attacks.  Unbranded White box servers were the most vulnerable to security penetrations: 44% of ITIC survey respondents reported they were successfully hacked.

The global pandemic sparked a wave of COVID-19 related data breaches, ransomware, phishing, Business Email Compromise (BEC), CEO fraud and attacks that continue unabated.

Overall, ITIC’s survey findings indicate that there is a clear and widening gap in server hardware security and reliability among the top performing platforms and the most insecure offerings. The global pandemic sparked a wave of COVID-19 related data breaches, ransomware, phishing, Business Email Compromise (BEC), CEO fraud and attacks that continue unabated.

Security and reliability issues are closely intertwined: a successful data breach immediately compromises server, application and network uptime and availability. Security will likely persist as the chief threat that causes expensive unplanned downtime and outages.

Survey Highlights

Notably, despite a 31% spike in security hacks and data breaches during the COVID-19 pandemic over the last 16 months, IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, HPE and Cisco maintained their top positions as the most reliable and secure server platforms.

Additionally, the top five server distributions achieved the best security ratings of among all mainstream server hardware platforms in every security category in ITIC’s latest poll, including:

  • The least number of attempted security hacks/data breaches
  • The fewest number of successful security hacks/data breaches
  • The fastest Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) from the onset of the attack until the company isolated and shut it down

The strong security results posted by IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, HPE and Cisco (in that order) are especially noteworthy since they occurred during the height of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Some 31% of ITIC survey respondents said their servers, operating systems and critical business applications suffered successful penetrations by myriad security hacks and data breaches since the outset of COVID-19 in early 2020. This is an increase of 12 percentage points, up from the 19% in ITIC’s 2020 Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability survey.

Security is a core component of every organization’s network. Robust security is even more crucial in the COVID-19 era which ushered in a variety of new scams. Some 69% of organizations cited security and data breaches as the greatest threats to the reliability of server, application, data center, network edge and cloud ecosystems. The hacks themselves are more targeted, prevalent, pervasive and pernicious: They are designed to inflict maximum damage and losses on their enterprise and consumer victims.

Data Breaches are Big Business

Data breaches are big business and a primary business for the burgeoning professional hacking community. A successful hack is expensive on many levels. In 2020, the cost of a data breach averaged $3.86 million, according to the 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Study jointly conducted by IBM and the Ponemon Institute[1]. This represents a 10% increase since 2015.

ITIC’s latest survey data also indicates that the Hourly Cost of Downtime now exceeds $300,000 for 88% of businesses. Overall, 40% of mid-sized and large enterprise survey respondents reported that a single hour of downtime, costs their firms over one million ($1 million). A data breach that occurs during peak usage hours and interrupts crucial business operations can cost businesses millions per minute.

Besides the obvious monetary losses due to productivity and disrupted operations, businesses must factor in amount of manpower hours and the number of IT and security administrators involved in remediation efforts and full return to operation.  Companies must also determine whether or not any data or intellectual property (IP) was lost, stolen, damaged, destroyed or changed.  Organizations must also add in the cost of any litigation as well as potential civil or criminal fines/penalties associated with security incidents and data breaches.  Some costs, like damage to an organization’s reputation are incalculable and may result in lost business.

Hackers pick and choose their targets with great precision and are quick to take advantage of every opportunity. The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example. Hackers immediately set their sights on teleworkers and remote learning students taking online and Zoom classes. They zeroed in on so-called “soft targets.” Local and state municipalities; small and mid-sized school districts, hospitals, health care clinics, doctors’ offices and branch bank offices that may lack full-time onsite security and IT administrators and may not have installed the latest security.

It’s no surprise that vendors like IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, HPE, which perennially achieve top server reliability ratings were also among the most secure hardware platforms.  These vendors and more recently Cisco, have made server security – and in Lenovo’s case server, PC and laptop security – a top priority and have invested heavily in bolstering the inherent security of their product offerings over the last several years. So when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, they already had strong, embedded security and this stood them and their customers in good stead.

The most secure server hardware platforms experienced the fewest successful security breaches. The IBM Z running the z/OS and RHEL Linux and IBM LinuxONE III respondents all said those platforms had no successful security hacks over the 16 months. They were followed by the IBM Power Systems and Linux ThinkSystem servers with one each; Huawei KunLun which averaged two hacks; the HPE Integrity with three successful penetrations and Cisco’s UCS servers with seven data breaches. The unbranded White box servers were the most porous, averaging 20 successful data breaches in the past 16 months.

Data breaches are big business. And they are expensive. The average cost of a data breach in 2020 is $3.86 million, according to the latest 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Study jointly conducted by IBM and the Ponemon Institute[2]. While the report indicates that the average data breach cost declined by a slight 1.5% compared with 2019’s study, the $3.86 million figure still represents a 10% increase since 2015.

A DTEX Systems Report found that “only 30% of organizations were prepared to secure a complete shift to remote work.”  The DTEX Systems study also found that almost 75% of organizations are concerned about the security risks introduced by users working from home and 73% of businesses admitted they have partial or no visibility into user activity if their VPN is disabled by remote workers. Another alarming finding is that teleworkers use their work laptops for personal use; with 25% of respondents acknowledging this increases the risk of drive-by-downloads, with 15% saying their firms are more susceptible to Phishing attacks.

 Conclusions and Recommendations

Security is now the number one issue that negatively undermines the reliability of server hardware, server OS and business critical applications. All organizations should make security a priority and work closely with their vendors to mitigate security risks to an acceptable level.

Every added second and minute of server downtime and application unavailability negatively impacts business operations, employee productivity and revenue.

No server platform, server OS or business application will provide foolproof security. However, IBM, Lenovo, Huawei, HPE and Cisco which are among the most reliable server platforms also provide the greatest levels of inherent security. This enables customers to achieve the greatest economies of scale and safeguard their sensitive IP and data assets. That said, security is a 50/50 proposition. While vendors must deliver robust security, corporations are responsible for maintaining the reliability of their server and overarching network infrastructure. ITIC strongly advise businesses to:

  • Take inventory of all devices and applications across the ecosystem.
  • Conduct security vulnerability testing at least annually and work with third party experts.
  • Have a remediation and governance plan in place in the event your firm is successfully hacked.
  • Ensure that Security and IT professionals receive adequate training.
  • Ensure that end users as well as contract workers and temporary employees receive adequate security awareness training on the latest Email and Phishing scams and ransomware threats.
  • Implement strong security policies and procedures and enforce them.
  • Regularly replace, retrofit and refresh server hardware and server operating systems with the necessary patches, updates and security fixes as needed to maintain system health.
  • Keep up-to-date on the latest security patches and fixes.
  • Ensure that your firm’s hardware and software vendors and cloud vendors meet or exceed the terms of their Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for agreed upon security and reliability levels.

[1] “2020 Cost of a Data Breach Study,” IBM and the Ponemon Institute. URL:


[2] “2020 Cost of a Data Breach Study,” IBM and the Ponemon Institute. URL:


IBM, Lenovo and Huawei Servers Most Secure, Suffer Fewest Hacks As COVID-19 Data Breaches Surge Read More »

ITIC Editorial Calendar

March/April 2020: ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey

Description: Reliability and uptime are absolutely essential. Over 80% of corporations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability and greater; and an increasing number of enterprises now demand five nines – 99.999% or higher reliability. But which platforms actually deliver? This survey polls businesses on the reliability, uptime and management issues involving the inherent reliability of 14 different server hardware platforms and server operating system. The survey polls corporations on the frequency, the duration and reasons associated with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 outages that occur on their core server OS and server hardware platforms. The results of this independent, non-vendor sponsored survey will provide businesses with the information they need to determine the TCO and ROI of their individual environments. The survey will also enable the server OS and server hardware vendors to see how their products rate among global users ranging from SMBs with as few as 25 people to the largest global enterprises with 100,000+ end users.

The 2020 ITIC Global Reliability Survey has also been updated and expanded to include questions on:

  • Component level failure data comparisons between IBM Power Servers and Intel-based x86 servers such as Dell, HP, Huawei, Lenovo and Cisco.
  • Percentage of component level failure data comparisons by vendor according to age (e.g. new to three months; three to six months; six months to 1 year; 1 to 2 years; 2 to 3 years; 3 to 4 years; 4 to 5 years; over five years).
  • Which component parts fail and frequency of failure
  • A percentage breakout of server parts failures for parts such as hard disk drives(HDD), processors, memory, power components, fans, or other
  • Where available, how the component failed. For example: memory multi-bit errors, HDD read failures, processor L1/L2 cache errors, etc.


April/May: 2020 Hourly Cost of Downtime


Description: Downtime impacts every aspect of the business. It can disrupt operations and end user productivity, result in data losses and raise the risk of litigation. Downtime can also result in lost business and irreparably damage a company’s reputation. The cost of downtime continues to increase as do the business risks. ITIC’s 2019 Hourly Cost of Downtime survey found an 85 % majority of organizations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability. This is the equivalent of 52 minutes of unplanned outages related to downtime for mission critical systems and applications or just 4.33 minutes of unplanned monthly outage for servers, applications and networks. This survey will once again poll corporations on how much one hour of downtime costs their business – exclusive of litigation, civil or criminal penalties. ITIC will also interview customers and vendors across 10 key vertical markets including: Banking/Finance; Education; Government; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Retail; Transportation and Utilities. The Report will focus on the toll that downtime extracts on the business, its IT departments, its employees, its business partners, suppliers and its external customers. This report will also examine the remediation efforts involved in resuming full operations as well as the lingering or after-effects to the corporation’s reputation as the result of an unplanned outage.


May/June 2020: ITIC Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Survey


Description:  ITIC’s “Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Gap,” independent Web survey polled 1,500 women professionals worldwide across 47 different industries, with a special emphasis on STEM disciplines. The survey focuses on three key areas of workplace discrimination: Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Unequal Pay.



July/August: 2020 IoT Deployment and Usage Trends Survey and Report


Description: The Internet of Things (IoT) has been one of the hottest emerging technologies of the last several years. This ITIC Report will present the findings of an ITIC survey that polls corporations on the business and technical challenges as well as the costs associated with IoT deployments. This IoT Report will also examine the ever present security risks associated with interconnected environments and ecosystems. ITIC’s IoT 2020 Deployment and Usage Trends Survey will also query global businesses on a variety of crucial issues related to their current and planned Internet of Things (IoT) usage and deployments such as how  they are using IoT (e.g. on-premises versus Network Edge/Perimeter deployments); the chief benefits and biggest challenges and impediments to IoT upgrades.  Vendors profiled for this report will include: AT&T, Bosch, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, General Electric (GE), Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Particle, PTC, Qualcomm,  Samsung, SAP, Siemens and Verizon.



August: ITIC 2020-2021 Security Trends


Description: Security, security, security! Security impacts every aspect of computing and networking operations in the Digital Age. And it’s never been more crucial as businesses, schools, government workers and consumers are working at home amidst the ongoing Nouvel and damaging security hack impacting the lives of millions of consumers and corporations. This Report will utilize the latest ITIC independent survey data to provide an overview of the latest trends in computer security including the latest and most dangerous hacks and what corporations can do to defend their data assets. Among the topics covered:


  • Security threats in the age of COVID-19
  • The most prevalent type of security hacks
  • The percentage of corporations that experienced a security hack
  • The duration of the security hack
  • The severity of the security hack
  • The cost of the security hack
  • Monetary losses experienced due to security breaches
  • Lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen data due to a security breach
  • The percentage of time that corporations spend securing their networks and data assets
  • Specific security policies and procedures companies are implementing
  • The issues that pose the biggest threats/risks to corporate security




August/September: ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware Server OS Reliability Survey Mid-Year Update


Description: This Report is the Mid-year update of ITIC’s Annual Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey. Each year ITIC conducts a second survey of selected questions from its Annual Reliability poll. ITIC also conducts new interviews with C-level executives and Network administrators to get detailed insights on the reliability of their server hardware and operating system software as well as the technical service and support they receive from their respective vendors.  ITIC will also incorporate updated PowerPoint slides and statistics to accompany the report.


October/November: AI, Machine Learning and Data Analytics Market Outlook

Description: This Report will examine the pivotal role that AI, Machine Learning and IoT-enabled predictive and prescriptive Analytics plays in assisting businesses sort through the data deluge to make informed decisions and derive real business value from their applications. AI and Machine Learning take Data Analytics to new levels. They can help businesses identify new product opportunities and also uncover hidden risks. Machine intelligence is already built into predictive and prescriptive analytics tools, speeding insights and enabling the analysis of vast probabilities to determine an optimal course of action or the best set of options. Over time, more sophisticated forms of AI will find their way into analytics systems, further improving the speed and accuracy of decision-making. Rather than querying a system and waiting for a response, the trend has been toward interactivity using visual interfaces. In the near future, voice interfaces will become more common, enabling humans to carry on interactive conversations with digital assistants while watching the analytical results on a screen. Analytics makes businesses more efficient; it enables them to cut costs and lower ongoing operational expenditures. It also helps them respond more quickly and agilely to changing market conditions – making them more competitive and thus driving top line revenue in both the near term and long term strategic sales. Vendors Profiled: AppDynamics, BMC, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and SAS. It also discusses how non-traditional vendors in the carrier and networking segments e.g. Dell/EMC, GE, Google, Verizon and Vodafone have fully embraced AIOps and analytics via partnerships, acquisitions and Research and Development (R&D) initiatives and have moved into this space and challenged the traditional market leaders. And it will provide an overview of the latest Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and their impact on the Analytics industry.


December: ITIC 2021 Technology and Business Outlook


Description: This Report will be based on ITIC survey results that poll IT administrators and C-level executives on a variety of forward looking business and technology issues for the 2020 timeframe. Topics covered will include: Security, IT staffing and budgets; application and network infrastructure upgrades; hardware and software purchasing trends and cloud computing.

Survey Methodology


ITIC conducts independent Web-based surveys that contain multiple choice and essay questions. In order to ensure the highest degree of accuracy, we employ authentication and tracking mechanisms to prohibit tampering with the survey results and to prohibit multiple votes by the same party. ITIC conducts surveys with corporate enterprises in North America and in over 25 countries worldwide across a wide range of vertical markets. Respondents range from SMBs with 25 to 100 workers to the largest multinational enterprises with over 100,000 employees. Each Report also includes two dozen first person customer interviews and where applicable, vendor and reseller interviews. The titles of the survey respondents include:


  • Network administrators
  • VPs of IT
  • Chief information officers (CIOs)
  • Chief technology officers (CTOs)
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)
  • Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)
  • Consultants
  • Application developers
  • Database Administrators
  • Telecom Manager
  • Software Developer
  • System Administrator
  • IT Architect
  • Physical Plant Facilities Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Technical Lead
  • Cloud Managers/Specialists
  • IoT Manager
  • Server Hardware/Virtualization Manager



ITIC welcomes input and suggestion from its vendor and enterprise clients with respect to surveys, survey questions and topics for its Editorial Calendar. If there are any particular topics or questions in a specific survey that you’d like to see covered, please let us know and we will do our best to address it.



About Information Technology Intelligence Corporation (ITIC)


ITIC, founded in 2002, is a research and consulting firm based in suburban Boston. It provides primary research on a wide variety of technology topics for vendors and enterprises. ITIC’s mission is to provide its clients with tactical, practical and actionable advice and to help clients make sense of the technology and business events that influence and impact their infrastructures and IT budgets. ITIC can provide your firm with accurate, objective research on a wide variety of technology topics within the network infrastructure: application software, server hardware, networking, virtualization, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and Security (e.g. ransom ware, cyber heists, phishing scams, botnets etc.). ITIC also addresses the business issues that impact the various technologies and influence the corporate business purchasing decisions. These include topics such as licensing and contract negotiation; GDPR; Intellectual Property (IP); patents, outsourcing, third party technical support and upgrade/migration planning.


For more information visit ITIC’s website at:


To purchase or license ITIC Reports and Survey data contact: Fred Abbott


Valley View Ventures, Inc.

Phone: 978-254-1639

ITIC Editorial Calendar Read More »

ITIC 2020 Editorial Calendar

March/April 2020: ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware and Server OS Reliability Survey

Description: Reliability and uptime are absolutely essential. Over 80% of corporations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability and greater; and an increasing number of enterprises now demand five nines – 99.999% or higher reliability. But which platforms actually deliver? This survey polls businesses on the reliability, uptime and management issues involving the inherent reliability of 14 different server hardware platforms and server operating system. The survey polls corporations on the frequency, the duration and reasons associated with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 outages that occur on their core server OS and server hardware platforms. The results of this independent, non-vendor sponsored survey will provide businesses with the information they need to determine the TCO and ROI of their individual environments. The survey will also enable the server OS and server hardware vendors to see how their products rate among global users ranging from SMBs with as few as 25 people to the largest global enterprises with 100,000+ end users.

The 2020 ITIC Global Reliability Survey has also been updated and expanded to include questions on:

  • Component level failure data comparisons between IBM Power Servers and Intel-based x86 servers such as Dell, HP, Huawei, Lenovo and Cisco.
  • Percentage of component level failure data comparisons by vendor according to age (e.g. new to three months; three to six months; six months to 1 year; 1 to 2 years; 2 to 3 years; 3 to 4 years; 4 to 5 years; over five years).
  • Which component parts fail and frequency of failure
  • A percentage breakout of server parts failures for parts such as hard disk drives(HDD), processors, memory, power components, fans, or other
  • Where available, how the component failed. For example: memory multi-bit errors, HDD read failures, processor L1/L2 cache errors, etc.


April/May: 2020 Hourly Cost of Downtime

 Description: Downtime impacts every aspect of the business. It can disrupt operations and end user productivity, result in data losses and raise the risk of litigation. Downtime can also result in lost business and irreparably damage a company’s reputation. The cost of downtime continues to increase as do the business risks. ITIC’s 2019 Hourly Cost of Downtime survey found an 85 % majority of organizations now require a minimum of 99.99% availability. This is the equivalent of 52 minutes of unplanned outages related to downtime for mission critical systems and applications or just 4.33 minutes of unplanned monthly outage for servers, applications and networks. This survey will once again poll corporations on how much one hour of downtime costs their business – exclusive of litigation, civil or criminal penalties. ITIC will also interview customers and vendors across 10 key vertical markets including: Banking/Finance; Education; Government; Healthcare; Manufacturing; Retail; Transportation and Utilities. The Report will focus on the toll that downtime extracts on the business, its IT departments, its employees, its business partners, suppliers and its external customers. This report will also examine the remediation efforts involved in resuming full operations as well as the lingering or after-effects to the corporation’s reputation as the result of an unplanned outage.


May/June 2020: ITIC Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Survey

 Description:  ITIC’s “Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Pay Equity Gap,” independent Web survey polled 1,500 women professionals worldwide across 47 different industries, with a special emphasis on STEM disciplines. The survey focuses on three key areas of workplace discrimination: Sexual Harassment, Gender Bias and Unequal Pay.



July/August: 2020 IoT Deployment and Usage Trends Survey and Report


Description: The Internet of Things (IoT) has been one of the hottest emerging technologies of the last several years. This ITIC Report will present the findings of an ITIC survey that polls corporations on the business and technical challenges as well as the costs associated with IoT deployments. This IoT Report will also examine the ever present security risks associated with interconnected environments and ecosystems. ITIC’s IoT 2020 Deployment and Usage Trends Survey will also query global businesses on a variety of crucial issues related to their current and planned Internet of Things (IoT) usage and deployments such as how  they are using IoT (e.g. on-premises versus Network Edge/Perimeter deployments); the chief benefits and biggest challenges and impediments to IoT upgrades.  Vendors profiled for this report will include: AT&T, Bosch, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, General Electric (GE), Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Particle, PTC, Qualcomm,  Samsung, SAP, Siemens and Verizon.

 August: ITIC 2020-2021 Security Trends

 Description: Security, security, security! Security impacts every aspect of computing and networking operations in the Digital Age. And it’s never been more crucial as businesses, schools, government workers and consumers are working at home amidst the ongoing Nouvel and damaging security hack impacting the lives of millions of consumers and corporations. This Report will utilize the latest ITIC independent survey data to provide an overview of the latest trends in computer security including the latest and most dangerous hacks and what corporations can do to defend their data assets. Among the topics covered:


  • Security threats in the age of COVID-19
  • The most prevalent type of security hacks
  • The percentage of corporations that experienced a security hack
  • The duration of the security hack
  • The severity of the security hack
  • The cost of the security hack
  • Monetary losses experienced due to security breaches
  • Lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen data due to a security breach
  • The percentage of time that corporations spend securing their networks and data assets
  • Specific security policies and procedures companies are implementing
  • The issues that pose the biggest threats/risks to corporate security


August/September: ITIC 2020 Global Server Hardware Server OS Reliability Survey Mid-Year Update

Description: This Report is the Mid-year update of ITIC’s Annual Global Server Hardware, Server OS Reliability Survey. Each year ITIC conducts a second survey of selected questions from its Annual Reliability poll. ITIC also conducts new interviews with C-level executives and Network administrators to get detailed insights on the reliability of their server hardware and operating system software as well as the technical service and support they receive from their respective vendors.  ITIC will also incorporate updated PowerPoint slides and statistics to accompany the report.


October/November: AI, Machine Learning and Data Analytics Market Outlook

Description: This Report will examine the pivotal role that AI, Machine Learning and IoT-enabled predictive and prescriptive Analytics plays in assisting businesses sort through the data deluge to make informed decisions and derive real business value from their applications. AI and Machine Learning take Data Analytics to new levels. They can help businesses identify new product opportunities and also uncover hidden risks. Machine intelligence is already built into predictive and prescriptive analytics tools, speeding insights and enabling the analysis of vast probabilities to determine an optimal course of action or the best set of options. Over time, more sophisticated forms of AI will find their way into analytics systems, further improving the speed and accuracy of decision-making. Rather than querying a system and waiting for a response, the trend has been toward interactivity using visual interfaces. In the near future, voice interfaces will become more common, enabling humans to carry on interactive conversations with digital assistants while watching the analytical results on a screen. Analytics makes businesses more efficient; it enables them to cut costs and lower ongoing operational expenditures. It also helps them respond more quickly and agilely to changing market conditions – making them more competitive and thus driving top line revenue in both the near term and long term strategic sales. Vendors Profiled: AppDynamics, BMC, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and SAS. It also discusses how non-traditional vendors in the carrier and networking segments e.g. Dell/EMC, GE, Google, Verizon and Vodafone have fully embraced AIOps and analytics via partnerships, acquisitions and Research and Development (R&D) initiatives and have moved into this space and challenged the traditional market leaders. And it will provide an overview of the latest Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and their impact on the Analytics industry.

 December: ITIC 2021 Technology and Business Outlook

 Description: This Report will be based on ITIC survey results that poll IT administrators and C-level executives on a variety of forward looking business and technology issues for the 2020 timeframe. Topics covered will include: Security, IT staffing and budgets; application and network infrastructure upgrades; hardware and software purchasing trends and cloud computing.

Survey Methodology


ITIC conducts independent Web-based surveys that contain multiple choice and essay questions. In order to ensure the highest degree of accuracy, we employ authentication and tracking mechanisms to prohibit tampering with the survey results and to prohibit multiple votes by the same party. ITIC conducts surveys with corporate enterprises in North America and in over 25 countries worldwide across a wide range of vertical markets. Respondents range from SMBs with 25 to 100 workers to the largest multinational enterprises with over 100,000 employees. Each Report also includes two dozen first person customer interviews and where applicable, vendor and reseller interviews. The titles of the survey respondents include:


  • Network administrators
  • VPs of IT
  • Chief information officers (CIOs)
  • Chief technology officers (CTOs)
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs)
  • Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)
  • Consultants
  • Application developers
  • Database Administrators
  • Telecom Manager
  • Software Developer
  • System Administrator
  • IT Architect
  • Physical Plant Facilities Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Technical Lead
  • Cloud Managers/Specialists
  • IoT Manager
  • Server Hardware/Virtualization Manager



ITIC welcomes input and suggestion from its vendor and enterprise clients with respect to surveys, survey questions and topics for its Editorial Calendar. If there are any particular topics or questions in a specific survey that you’d like to see covered, please let us know and we will do our best to address it.



About Information Technology Intelligence Corporation (ITIC)


ITIC, founded in 2002, is a research and consulting firm based in suburban Boston. It provides primary research on a wide variety of technology topics for vendors and enterprises. ITIC’s mission is to provide its clients with tactical, practical and actionable advice and to help clients make sense of the technology and business events that influence and impact their infrastructures and IT budgets. ITIC can provide your firm with accurate, objective research on a wide variety of technology topics within the network infrastructure: application software, server hardware, networking, virtualization, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and Security (e.g. ransom ware, cyber heists, phishing scams, botnets etc.). ITIC also addresses the business issues that impact the various technologies and influence the corporate business purchasing decisions. These include topics such as licensing and contract negotiation; GDPR; Intellectual Property (IP); patents, outsourcing, third party technical support and upgrade/migration planning.


To purchase or license ITIC Reports and Survey data contact: Fred Abbott


Valley View Ventures, Inc.

Phone: 978-254-1639

ITIC 2020 Editorial Calendar Read More »

Cyber Security in the Digital Age: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

“We have met the enemy and it is us.”

This quote aptly describes the current state of security and cyber security.

End users now arguably pose a bigger immediate and ongoing threat to the cyber security of consumer and corporate devices, applications and networks.

Those are the findings of ITIC’s latest 2017 Security Survey which found that 80% of 650 corporate respondents said that end user carelessness and failure to implement and install security on their BYOD and mobile devices are more dangerous than targeted hacks and rogue code.

That said, the organizations which ranged from SMBs with 25 users to large enterprises with over 10,000 employees, are painfully aware of the threat posed by Ransomware, Bots, Phishing scams, Trojans, Viruses, other types of malware and even targeted corporate espionage, are all capable and culpable of wreaking havoc.

Cyber security and protecting corporate and consumer assets and will always be, a 50-50 proposition. End users and IT administrators, own 50% of the responsibility to secure their devices and adhere to safe computing practices. For starters, this means getting security training and actually installing and utilizing security mechanisms. Too often, corporate employees and consumers disable security safeguards because of usability issues. Similarly, security vendors bear 50% of the responsibility to incorporate strong security mechanisms into their products. The onus is also on vendors to provide businesses and consumers with regular updates. Transparency is also a must for the entire vendor community; they must respond quickly, acknowledge security flaws when they occur and quickly move to deliver guidance and release fixes when bugs or glitches are discovered. …

Cyber Security in the Digital Age: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid Read More »

Virtualization Deployments Soar, But Companies Prefer Terra Firma to Cloud for now

The ongoing buzz surrounding cloud computing – particularly public clouds – is far outpacing actual deployments by mainstream users. To date only 14% of companies have deployed or plan to deploy a private cloud infrastructure within the next two calendar quarters.
Instead, as businesses slowly recover from the ongoing economic downturn, their most immediate priorities are to upgrades to legacy desktop and server hardware, outmoded applications and to expand their virtualization deployments. Those are the results of the latest ITIC 2010 Virtualization and High Availability survey which polled C-level executives and IT managers at 400 organizations worldwide.
ITIC partnered with Stratus Technologies and Sunbelt Software to conduct the Web-based survey of multiple choice questions and essay comments. ITIC also conducted first person interviews with over two dozen end to obtain anecdotal responses on the primary accelerators or impediments to virtualization, high availability and reliability, cloud computing. The survey also queried customers on whether or not their current network infrastructure and mission critical applications were adequate enough to handle new technologies and the increasing demands of the business.
The survey showed that for now at least, although, many midsized and large enterprises are contemplating a move to the cloud – especially a private cloud infrastructure – the technology and business model is still not essential for most businesses. Some 48% of survey participants said they have no plans to migrate to private cloud architecture within the next 12 months while another 33% said their companies are studying the issue but have no firm plans to deploy.

The study also indicates that Private Cloud deployments are outpacing Public Cloud Infrastructure deployments by a 2 to 1 margin. However before businesses can begin to consider a private cloud deployment they must first upgrade the “building block” components of their existing environments e.g., server and desktop hardware, WAN infrastructure; storage, security and applications. Only 11% of businesses described their server and desktop hardware as leading edge or state-of-the-art. And just 8% of respondents characterized their desktop and application environment as leading edge.

The largest proportion of the survey participants – 52% – described their desktop and server hardware working well, while 48% said their applications were up-to-date. However, 34% acknowledged that some of their server hardware needed to be updated. A higher percentage of users 41% admitted that their mission critical software applications were due to be refreshed. And a small 3% minority said that a significant portion of both their hardware and mission critical applications were outmoded and adversely impacting the performance and reliability of their networks.

Based on the survey data and customer interviews, ITIC anticipates that from now until October, companies’ primary focus will be on infrastructure improvements.

Reliability and Uptime Lag

The biggest surprise in this survey from the 2009 High Availability and Fault Tolerant survey, which ITIC & Stratus conducted nearly one year ago, was the decline in the number of survey participants who said their organizations required 99.99% uptime and reliability. In this latest survey, the largest portion of respondents – 38% — or nearly 4 out of 10 businesses said that 99.9% uptime — the equivalent of 8.76 hours of per server, per annum downtime was the minimum acceptable amount for their mission critical line of business (LOB) applications. This is more than three times the 12% of respondents who said that 99.9% uptime was acceptable in the prior 2009 survey. Overall, 62% or nearly two-thirds of survey participants indicated their organizations are willing to live with higher levels of downtime than were considered acceptable in previous years.
Some 39% of survey respondents – almost 4 out of 10 respondents indicated that their organizations demand high availability which ITIC defines as four nines of uptime or greater. Specifically, 27% said their organizations require 99.99% uptime; another 6% need 99.999% uptime and a 3% minority require the highest 99.999% level of availability.
The customer interviews found that the ongoing economic downturn, aged/aging network infrastructures (server and desktop hardware and older applications), layoffs, hiring freezes and the new standard operating procedure (SOP) “do more with less” has made 99.9% uptime more palatable than in previous years.
Those firms that do not keep track of the number and severity of their outages have no way of gauging the financial and data losses to the business. Even a cursory comparison indicates substantial cost disparities between 99% uptime and 99.99% uptime. The monetary costs, business impact and risks associated with downtime will vary by company as well as the duration and severity of individual outage incidents. However a small or midsize business, for example, which estimates the hourly cost of downtime to be a very conservative $10,000 per hour, would potentially incur losses of $876,000 per year at a data center with 99% application availability (87 hours downtime). By contrast, a company whose data center operations has 99.99% uptime, would incur losses of $87,600 or one-tenth that of a firm with conventional 99% availability.
Ironically, the need for rock-solid network reliability has never been greater. The rise of Web-based applications and new technologies like virtualization and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), as well as the emergence of public or shared cloud computing models are designed to maximize productivity. But without the proper safeguards these new datacenter paradigms may raise the risk of downtime. The Association for Computer Operations Management/ Data Center Institute (AFCOM) forecasts that one-in-four data centers will experience a serious business disruption over the next five years.
At the same time, customer interviews revealed that over half of all businesses 56% lack the budget for high availability technology. Another ongoing challenge is that 78% of survey participants acknowledged that their companies either lack the skills or simply do not attempt to quantify the monetary and business costs associated with hourly downtime. The reasons for this are well documented. Some organizations don’t routinely do this and those that attempt to calculate costs and damages run into difficulties collecting data because the data resides with many individuals across the enterprise. Inter-departmental communication, cooperation and collaboration is sorely lacking at many firms. Only 22% of survey respondents were able assign a specific cost to one hour of downtime and most of them gave conservative estimates of $1,000 to $25,000 for a one hour network outage. Only 13% of the 22% of survey participants who were able to quantify the cost of downtime indicated that their hourly losses would top $175,000 or more.

Users Confident and Committed to Virtualization Technology
The news was more upbeat with respect to virtualization – especially server virtualization deployments. Organizations are both confident and comfortable with virtualization technology.
72% of respondents indicated the number of desktop and server-based applications demanding high availability has increased over the past two years. The survey also found that a 77% majority of participants run business critical applications on virtual machines. Not surprisingly, the survey data showed that virtualization usage will continue to expand over the next 12 months. A 79% majority – approximately eight-out-of-10 respondents — said the number of business critical applications running on virtual machines and virtual desktops will increase significantly over the next year. Server virtualization is very much a mainstream and accepted technology. The responses to this question indicate increased adoption as well as confidence. Nearly one-quarter of the respondents – 24% say that more than 75% of their production servers are VMs. Overall 44% of respondents say than over 50% of their servers are VMs. However, none of the survey participants indicate that 100% of their servers are virtualized. Additionally, only 6% of survey resp

Virtualization Deployments Soar, But Companies Prefer Terra Firma to Cloud for now Read More »

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