Laura DiDio
Principal Analyst, IT Industry Influencer

Laura DiDio, Principal, is a highly visible information technology industry analyst, consultant, a professional writer and an investigative reporter. DiDio has over 25 years experience in the high technology industry. She has consulted with all of the major industry vendors including: Apple, Accenture, Avaya, Cisco, Citrix, Dell, EMC, HP/HPE, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Oracle, RedHat, SAP, Siemens and VMware.
As principal of Information Technology Intelligence Consulting (ITIC), DiDio covers a wide range of topics including: AI, Applications, Business Intelligence (BI), Data Analytics, server hardware and server operating systems, Security, business intelligence. She also focuses on the underlying business issues such as TCO and ROI, licensing and contract negotiation, Intellectual Property (theft of trade secrets, copyright and patent infringement) compliance and risk assessment and management that impact technology decisions.
Prior to founding ITIC, DiDio worked for several research and consulting firms as both a Research Fellow and Director, including Yankee Group,451 Research, Strategy Analytics, Giga Information Group. Before that she held various reporting and editing positions at a number of computer networking industry trade publications including: Computerworld, Network World, Communications Week, LAN Times, and Digital Review.
DiDio also has extensive experience as an investigative reporter and writer in the TV, print and radio media and has several national writing awards. DiDio worked as an on camera for various broadcasting and print outlets, including CNN, Channel 5 News in New York and Channel 11 in Minneapolis. Her investigative reports have also appeared in The Village Voice and The Minneapolis Star and Tribune.As an investigative reporter, Ms. DiDio traveled the U.S. and the globe uncovering local, municipal and national scandals related to law enforcement, politics, and international drug trafficking and dumping of substandard and dangerous products onto unsuspecting consumers in Third World nations.
DiDio is a frequent speaker at industry trade shows and user conferences and is widely quoted in the general press, business and trade press. The last 30 days of her media quotes show her range and depth at communicating with the market.
Sales / Business Agent
Valley View Ventures, Inc. represents ITIC and will conduct billing and collections on their behalf.
Valley View Ventures, Inc.
97 Mildred Circle
Concord, MA 01742
Fred H. Abbott, Principal
Phone: 978-254-1639
Fax: (978) 369 5069

Strategy - Competitive Analysis - Surveys - Market Positioning
Technology: software; virtualization; hardware; emerging technologies
Business Issues: licensing and contract negotiation; compliance; services and outsourcing; Intellectual Property (copyright, patent infringement, and theft of trade secrets)